
Welcome to filtrD!

FiltrD is a place where authentic connections can be made. Sometimes you click, sometimes you don’t, and occasionally the conversation turns into something more. The possibilities are limitless, and the opportunities are vast. We welcome all adults to join in and explore.

Our goal is to make filtrD a space that is fun, inclusive, and safe, where everyone can be their true selves while meeting others.

These Community Guidelines are in place to ensure that everyone knows what’s expected of them both on and off the app. Please read through them; disregarding these guidelines can lead to real consequences—from a gentle reminder to a full

filtrD's Rules:

1. Respect Personal Boundaries
Everyone has different comfort levels. That’s why we don’t allow nudity, explicit content, or searching for sex in your public profile. If you’re in a private conversation, these topics can be discussed, as long as all parties involved are comfortable with it. Consent is always essential.

2. Be Cautious About What You Share
Be careful not to overshare personal information or contact details in public (such as phone numbers, email addresses, or social media accounts). Never share sensitive info like bank details or passwords, and don’t ask others to do so. Also, think twice before sending money—sometimes it’s best not to send any at all.

3. Avoid Violent Content
We encourage positivity and do not tolerate any violent material. This includes graphic images, descriptions of violent acts (against people or animals), the use of weapons, or anything that promotes or glorifies self-harm. If there’s any indication of immediate harm, we may intervene and offer support or crisis resources.

4. Make Real Connections, Not Business Deals
filtrD isn’t the place for advertisements, gaining followers on social media, selling products, fundraising, or campaigning. It also means we don’t allow sex work, escort services, or compensated relationships.

5. Be Genuine
People want to connect with the real you, not a fake persona. Don’t create a false account or pretend to be someone you’re not, even if it’s just for fun.

6. Engage Respectfully
Talking to new people can be tricky, especially when meeting others from diverse backgrounds. Respect is key. If a conversation goes off track and you start to feel upset or angry, take a moment to pause and reflect before responding. Harassment, threats, bullying, intimidation, doing, sextortion, blackmail, or anything meant to harm others will not be tolerated.
filtrD stands against all forms of hate. We do not support racism, bigotry, violence, or discrimination based on anyone’s identity or appearance. This includes, but isn’t limited to, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, gender identity, age, nationality, or sexual orientation. If you don’t get along with someone, just unmatch and move on. Don’t report unless you feel they’ve
violated our rules.

7. Promote Kindness
Any behavior that causes harm to another user—whether online or offline, digitally or physically—will be taken seriously. This includes anything that encourages or incites harm. If you’ve experienced harm from someone on filtrD, focus on your well-being first. Take the time you need to heal, whether that means seeking support, accountability, or both. If reporting the incident is part of your healing, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help.

8. 18+ Only
You must be 18 or older to use filtrD. This also means no photos of minors, including pictures of yourself as a child—no matter how cute you looked back then.

9. Follow the Law
Illegal content or activities are strictly forbidden. You can’t use filtrD to buy or sell drugs, counterfeit items, or ask for help breaking the law. We also won’t tolerate anyone using the platform for child exploitation or human trafficking.

10. One Account Per User
Each account should belong to one person only. For privacy and logistical reasons, we don’t support multiple people using the same account. Every individual needs their own account.

11. Respect Privacy and Ownership
Only share content that you own. Don’t post images, messages, or material from others unless you have their consent. Never share copyrighted or trademarked content.

12. Be Honest and Transparent
Don’t misuse filtrD. Avoid spreading false or misleading information, spamming harmful links, or creating fake accounts. Don’t use the platform to scam, manipulate, or ask for money. Don’t make false reports, and never use third-party apps to try to cheat the

13. Stay Active
If you don’t log in for two years, we may assume your account is inactive and remove it. So if you want to keep being seen, just log in every now and then.

If you encounter behavior that makes you uncomfortable or violates our Community Guidelines, please report it. Your report will remain confidential. By reporting, you help us keep the community safe and accountable.

We take these guidelines seriously and aim to maintain a healthy, safe space for everyone. If violations continue or are particularly severe, we will take appropriate action. We reserve the right to investigate and deactivate accounts without refunding any purchases if we find misuse of the platform or any violations of our guidelines or terms, including actions outside the app that involve others you’ve met through it